This Virtual Club Has a £4 Entry Fee. Is It Worth It?
Eric J Eric J

This Virtual Club Has a £4 Entry Fee. Is It Worth It?

It’s been 14 months since the start of the pandemic, which means 14 months without nightclubs. Obviously, clubs aren’t exactly compatible with halting the spread of a dangerous virus, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss them. 

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Black Parties For Black Communities
Sunshine Jamz Sunshine Jamz

Black Parties For Black Communities

“We definitely need to be setting up camp, especially in places like Brixton, but they’re owned generationally,” he says. “They’ll secretly own a strip [of venues] and then rent them out to others who compete with each other. That’s the property game man. Culturally it's worth it but commercially it’s a risk. You’re always going to be operating at a thin edge, especially times like now.”

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A Taste of Nightlife –  Liverpool Nightclub Test
Sunshine Jamz Sunshine Jamz

A Taste of Nightlife – Liverpool Nightclub Test

“It’s a madness,” said Ida, 22. “It feels unnatural,” Ali, 20, chimed in, “like we’re in a dream.” Even the most hardened cynic would have struggled to throw off the hope and joy in the air. A nurse who’s worked throughout the pandemic and was there with her friends said it felt like there’s an end in sight. “It’s just fucking great,” she said, between glugs of Strongbow Dark Fruit, “I feel like the world is finally getting back to normal.” There was a mini chant of “fuck COVID” to close the night, which bloated into the swell of another old familiar: “One more tune! One more tune!”

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