Walmart Bosses Demand Kanye West Changes New Yeezy Logo


Kanye West is reportedly being pressured to change his newly designed Yeezy logo by bosses at Walmart.

According to CNN, a notice of opposition was filed by lawyers for the U.S. retail chain to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office earlier this month which challenged the proposed logo design by West.

Both logos represent a sun, with Walmart's having six thick lines compared to Yeezy's eight dotted ones.

In a letter obtained by the publication, officials at the retail giant claimed they had communicated with West over the design numerous times, but claimed he'd been unwilling to alter the logo.

"To date, we have not received any conclusive information from Yeezy regarding the planned use or any cooperation from Yeezy in order to find common ground," the letter states.

"Walmart believes the logo design depicted in the Yeezy Application is confusingly similar to Walmart's well-known spark logo design."

Yeezy, West's footwear label, unveiled the proposed logo design in early last year, while Walmart have been using their logo since 2007.


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