VIP Recording’s Johnny Gillespie Soars to No. 2 on iTunes Electronic Music Singles Chart

You just charted at No. 2 on iTunes Electronic Music Single Sales Chart with your single gravitating. How does that feel?

I’m still in shock. I’ve been holding on to this record for over a year and felt that it was time to put it out with all the momentum that we’ve been building on the charts. From charting at 21 to 11 and finally hitting the top 5 at number 2. I’m at a loss for words. I feel so much gratitude to everyone that has supported me in making this dream a reality. I couldn’t have done it without my support group. We have a tight circle that is strong. Special shout out to jin Wooh who has been a teacher and friend for many years making this record sound so epic.

What do you like most about making music?

I never really thought about this question. It’s just second nature to me. It’s a way to express my emotions when I don’t have any other outlet. Sometime words aren’t enough and the music grabs ahold of everything I’m aiming to convey. It’s very therapeutic to me and helps me come back to reality feeling accomplished when the track is done. 

What inspired you to start playing and making music?

You could say my old man installed music in my mind. Whether it was him playing his harmonica to me as a child or taking me to concerts or listening to music on long drives on family trips. It was always around me and it was fun to find my own way to contribute to the world. 

Describe your creative process when you write new music.

Normally I start with a riff whether that be a piano melody or guitar melody and then I sing lines that come to my mind and the rest is history. I get in the lab and start cooking up the rest of the song adding elements from all types of genres.

Who's your ideal musician to collaborate with and why?

I love the musician that can get in and out. Sometime music can be a rabbit hole that could be endless. We really need to stay focused and do what’s best for the song. 

Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?

Ronnie king inspires me all the time. He’s witty and witty with his music. He goes in the track all stealth like and comes out bringing the heat. I admire his work ethic and his know how of how to do what’s best for the track. 

Describe your favorite venue for performing.

Any venue packed to the brim so we can all catch each other’s vibes and have a good time. 

Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?

Persistence. I always knew how to start a track and finish it. Whether that was with band mates or by me. It takes persistence and self determination to get the job done.

Which qualities do you think make a great musician?

I feel like an open mind to let the creative process in is a must. Persistence and the ability to do what’s best for the track. This is my recipe for creating music. It’s the ability to channel the creativity mixed with emotions that lay dormant in your heart backed with experience that one has gone through in a story telling manner.

Is there another musician you've mentored or trained? Describe what you've done to help them.

I recently produced my first record for another artist named Andy Magruder and it was amazing to give back to another great artist. And currently my producing a reggae project for another great artist named shadoe

What's the best piece of advice another musician ever gave you?

It’s more like life advice. It’s a numbers game. If you fail once. you try and try again until you hit. once you find that perfect hit. keep hitting until you strike out and try again. 

What's your process for dealing with anxiety?

As a musician that use to struggle with bipolar disorder. I realized that I needed a vice and that vice was my musical creations. I found that if I felt a certain way, I could capture it and take the power out of me and make it into something relatable so others can have something to listen to when their going through a similar situation or feeling. I capture my vibes and make them into timeless pieces of art.

Anyone you’d like to thank?

I’d like to thank This great universe in which I get to create in. My beautiful wife Cait and our little one Rickie. My friends and my family. Ronnie king for being a great mentor. Jin Wooh for bringing the hot sauce on the tracks. VIP recordings. Sony orchard. Sullen clothing. Clinton sparks. The believers and doubters they all helped me get to where I’m at. 


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