AbsurdMag Spotlight: Shoe Brand SoulsFeng

The shoe company “SoulsFeng’s” goal is to introduce to the globe a graffiti art brand made from environmentally friendly materials. Ther founder's lifelong dream has been to interact with and listen to each customer while perfecting the technique of making superior shoes. With graffiti art and technology, their brand is unique. This provides the company an advantage because there are so many ideas that arise when incorporating technology into footwear. The shoe company has been branded an Amazon best-seller and has seen international success with their brand. When the company has a new design or idea, they construct a prototype and solicit feedback from their internal team before releasing a few examples to their connected influencers. Their successful philosophy is simple: Perfect products are not developed in a single day; they require a lot of hard effort and attention. In regard to prospective new shoe companies, their advice to them is to “not keep waiting for the ideal moment since it will never come, but to take action.” To partner with the shoe company or to order merchandise, you may contact the company at soulsfeng.com


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